>> Classmates&Colleagues >> Jaro's Friends >> IRŠ TLIS >> 15 years of TLIS >> Photochronicle >> 1996 >> 15 years of IRŠ TLIS

15 years of TLIS

December 1996; Total 14 photos+2 subalbums; Where is it?

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TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
The Lions (December 1996)
The Lions
TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
TLIS People (December 1996)
TLIS People
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS
Goin' for a christmas tree (December 1996)
Goin' for a christmas tree
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS (December 1996)
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS

This album includes subalbums:
TLIS People
Christmas tree by IRŠ TLIS

Next Album: 20th anniversary of IRŠ TLIS

External Links:
Radio TLIS - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia, www page

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This page has been last changed on March 2008
10096 views since November 2006

Hlucho, person's name withheld, Jano Mésároš, person's name withheld, person's name withheld, person's name withheld, Rasťo Šangala, and others, Radio TLIS IRŠ TLIS IRŠTLIS, íereško rádio, , Student dormitory 'Mladosť' Študentský Domov intrák SVŠT Asmolovova STU Staré Grunty, college dorm dormitories, Asmolovova študenský domov cena ceny, hostel, , Mill Valley Mlyny, na Mlynoch, Asmolovova, Staré Grunty, (Mlynská Dolina), Bratislava Blava bratislavský bratislavská bratislavské bartislava Bratlisava Bratisava, Pressburg Preßburg Possony, Prešpork Prešporok Prešporek, "Slovakian Capital City" Brezalauspurc (μπρατισλαβα mpratislaba), , Slovakia Slovenská Republika, Slowacja, Slovakija, Slovacia, na Slovensku, SVK, Slovaiko Slovesko Slowacia, Slovak Republic, Slowakei, Slovakai, Eslovaquia, Slovaquia SK Szlovakia, Szlovák Slovaquian, Szlovák Köztársaság, Republica Slovaca, (Slovensko), , 15 years of TLIS, 15 rokov TLISu

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