>> Photochronicle >> 2013 >> Slovakia >> Farewell

Day 17 - Farewell and the way to Poland

July 2013; Total 5 photos; Where is it?

Day 17 - Farewell and the way to Poland picture 33642

...and take some of the good water for the drive
...and take some of the good water for the drive

On the way, we stopped in Užanka to say good bye to grand parents.
...and then just cross the mountains
...and then just cross the mountains

Stork next to the road as we are leaving Slovakia
Stork next to the road as we are leaving Slovakia

Gas is cheaper in Poland
Gas is cheaper in Poland

And a good hour later, we were already in Krakow.

Next Album: Day 17 - Krakow

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This page has been last changed on September 2013
1239 views since July 2013

Dolná Ves dedina Šváb Šváby Schwabendorf Schwabenhof, village, , Slovakia Slovenská Republika, Slowacja, Slovakija, Slovacia, na Slovensku, SVK, Slovaiko Slovesko Slowacia, Slovak Republic, Slowakei, Slovakai, Eslovaquia, Slovaquia SK Szlovakia, Szlovák Slovaquian, Szlovák Köztársaság, Republica Slovaca, (Slovensko), Day 17 - Farewell and the way to Poland, Deň 17 - Rozlúčka a cesta do Požska

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