>> Albums of Friends >> Monika & Dušan

Monika & Dušan's pictures

Total 6 photos+17 subalbums;
Hover your mouse over a picture to get more info about the picture. Click on it to enlarge and get detailed information.

Godmother - 60th birthday (February 2007)
Godmother - 60th birthday
Prievidza & Bojnice (April 2007)
Prievidza & Bojnice
November 2007 (November 2007)
November 2007
Winter 2008/2009 (March 2009)
Winter 2008/2009
The new roof (May 2009)
The new roof
November 2023

This album includes subalbums:
Monika's workplace
Godmother - 60th birthday
Spring 2007
Prievidza & Bojnice
Bicycle race in Žiar
Lipka - children dance group show
Bicycle Race
Visiting the Kremnica Castle
Summer 2007
November 2007
Winter 2008/2009
The new roof
ZOO Bojnice
February 2014
Winter 2017

Next Album: Omegáč's pictures

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This page has been last changed on November 2023
11239 views since May 2007

Monika Duranziová, Dušan Turan, Monika & Dušan's pictures, Monikine a Dušanove fotky

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