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National Air and Space Museum

Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center -expositionbig aircrafts that would not fit toNational Mall main museum building.

June 2007; Total 33 photos; Where is it?

National Air and Space Museum picture 13405

Museum is located right next to the runway, so airplanes fly close over your head
Museum is located right next torunway, so airplanes fly close over your head

Display commemorating viceadmiral Donald D. Engen, the first director of the museum
Display commemorating viceadmiral Donald D. Engen,first directorthe museum

National Air and Space Museum picture 13410

Black Bird
Black Bird

Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk
Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawk

Baldwin Red Devil
Baldwin Red Devil

National Air and Space Museum picture 13383

National Air and Space Museum picture 13384

National Air and Space Museum picture 13385

National Air and Space Museum picture 13386

Flying Cloud
Flying Cloud

Concorde behind us
Concorde behind us

Flying wing - NASA Pathfinder-Plus
Flying wing - NASA Pathfinder-Plus

Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer
Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer

Police flyer
Police flyer

Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer
Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer


National Air and Space Museum picture 13392

National Air and Space Museum picture 13393

Enola Gay
Enola Gay

Superfortress B-29 Enola Gay  The aircraft that dropped the atomic bomb to Hiroshima
Superfortress B-29 Enola Gay
The aircraft that droppedatomic bomb to Hiroshima

Nazi fighters from WW II
Nazi fighters from WW II

National Air and Space Museum picture 13396

Star Wars robot on the model
Star Wars robot onmodel

National Air and Space Museum picture 13400

Space food - in this case Russian
Space food -this case Russian

National Air and Space Museum picture 13402

National Air and Space Museum picture 13403

National Air and Space Museum picture 13404

Space Shuttle Enterprise
Space Shuttle Enterprise

Model of the Wrights' airplane
Modelthe Wrights' airplane


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Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center Floor Plan

Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia

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This page has been last changed on August 2013
12103 views since June 2007

Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center UdvarHázy Smithsonovské národné múzeum letectvavesmíru, Smithsonian's Museum Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, smithonian smitsonian smithonians múzeu múzea umelá družica satelit raketa letectvo lietadlo vesmír kozmos kozmická loď kozmonaut aeronautika "vojenské lietadlá", Smithson spaceship rocket satelite astronaut cosmonaut airplane aircraft aeronautics , , Virginia štát, state, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, , National Air and Space Museum, Národné múzeum letectva a vesmíru

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