>> Photochronicle >> 2008 >> Grandmas >> Vieques >> Day 1 >> Group 1

Traveling - Group 1

April 2008; Total 24 photos; Where is it?

3:29 am - Port Authority Bus Terminal
3:29 am - Port Authority Bus Terminal

The statue of the city founder William Penn atop Philadelphia City Hall. One Liberty Place building behind it.
The statue of the city founder William Penn atop Philadelphia City Hall. One Liberty Place building behind it.

Traveling - Group 1 picture 19598

Philadelphia Airport - Wooden bicycle and motorbike made of seashells
Philadelphia Airport - Wooden bicycle and motorbike made of seashells

Traveling - Group 1 picture 16610

Traveling - Group 1 picture 16611


Traveling - Group 1 picture 16607

Traveling - Group 1 picture 16608

Traveling - Group 1 picture 16612

Tanker on Delaware River next to one of many New Jersey's refineries
Tanker on Delaware River next to one of many New Jersey's refineries

Ocean City and Atlantic City
Ocean City and Atlantic City

San Juan
San Juan

A cruise ship leaving San Juan Bay
A cruise ship leaving San Juan Bay

Radars at Punta Salinas
Radars at Punta Salinas


Traveling - Group 1 picture 18402

El Morro colored by the sunset
El Morro colored by the sunset

5:46pm - landing
5:46pm - landing

6:47pm - in the tiny airplane to Vieques
6:47pm - in the tiny airplane to Vieques

Glad I just came from bathroom, otherwise I wouldn't be sure about my underpants at this moment ...
Glad I just came from bathroom, otherwise I wouldn't be sure about my underpants at this moment ...

Traveling - Group 1 picture 18407

7:33pm - already sipping beer in Mar Azul
7:33pm - already sipping beer in Mar Azul

La lancha is coming
La lancha is coming

Next Album: Traveling - Group 2

External Links:
Philadelphia International Airport - satelite map, actual weather in the area, www page
San Juan International Airport - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia
Al's Mar Azul - satelite map, actual weather in the area, info
Vieques Island - satelite map, Wikipedia

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6073 views since May 2008

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