>> Photoalbums >> Caribbean >> Puerto Rico >> San Juan

Old San Juan - the history of the New World

Historical coreSan Juan showsfaded glorythe Spanish Crownthe New World. Old town with its castles and vast fortification system is well preserved and maintained.

Total 36 photos+1 subalbum;
Where is it:
Old Town starý San Juan Antiguo, Viejo San Juan, historické pamiatky história, historic history, , San Juan sanjuan Karibik, sanjuan Caribbean, hlavné mesto Portorika Svätý Ján Karibik Karibic, Puerto Rico's capital city Saint St. John Caribbean, , Puerto Rico PR porto riko puetro ricooPortorikuPortorika Portorický, Pto Rico estado de PR P.R. Puetro Ricko Puorto Ricco Puertorican Puerto Rican portorikói ptorico puertorico del Encanto, kolónia Estado Libre Asociado Isla Grande La Isla del Encanto Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth Estado Libre Asociado Main Island Enchanted Isle ,

Hover your mouse over a picture to get more info about the picture. Click on it to enlarge and get detailed information.

Street on top of a roof (April 2008)
Street on top of a roof
Garrison quarters (April 2008)
Garrison quarters
Frigate flying behind the flags of USA, Puerto Rico, and the 'Cross of Burgundy/srch]'  (August 2007)
Frigate flying behind the flags of USA, Puerto Rico, and the 'Cross of Burgundy/srch]'
A tree at Princess' Promenade (April 2010)
A tree at Princess' Promenade
Dancers at the airport (July 2006)
Dancers at the airport
Casa España (August 2007)
Casa España
Butterfly People Art Gallery (July 2008)
Butterfly People Art Gallery
Cuartel de Ballajá (December 2012)
Cuartel de Ballajá
A same tree on the main square - this time with the object of known size next to it (December 2018)
A same tree on the main square - this time with the object of known size next to it
Walking the lanes of Old San Juan (August 2007)
Walking the lanes of Old San Juan
View from San Cristobal to El Morro (July 2008)
View from San Cristobal to El Morro
Cemetery chapel (July 2009)
Cemetery chapel
Main Court of El Morro Castle (August 2007)
Main Court of El Morro Castle
Iconic image of San Juan (July 2008)
Iconic image of San Juan
Constantly moving dancing drummers (July 2006)
Constantly moving dancing drummers
Fountain at Plaza Quinto Centenario (July 2008)
Fountain at Plaza Quinto Centenario
Christopher Columbus or as they call him here Cristóbal Colón (August 2007)
Christopher Columbus or as they call him here Cristóbal Colón
Streets in Old San Juan have nice signs (July 2008)
Streets in Old San Juan have nice signs
St John the Baptist Cathedral (January 2019)
St John the Baptist Cathedral
Garita (July 2008)
Cruiser in the port (August 2007)
Cruiser in the port
St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery (July 2008)
St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery
Cemetery outside the fortification (August 2007)
Cemetery outside the fortification
The forts of San Juan (January 2019)
The forts of San Juan
San Juan (January 2019)
San Juan
Cielo de azul (December 2012)
Cielo de azul
El Morro and Atlantic (August 2007)
El Morro and Atlantic
Iguanas are abundant (January 2019)
Iguanas are abundant
El Ateneo Puertorriqueño (August 2007)
El Ateneo Puertorriqueño
Arieli found a hole (August 2007)
Arieli found a hole
El Morro Castle (July 2008)
El Morro Castle
View from one garita to another (July 2008)
View from one garita to another
Old San Juan (July 2009)
Old San Juan
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (July 2008)
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
San Juan's iconic garita (sentry box) and an iguana (August 2007)
San Juan's iconic garita (sentry box) and an iguana
El Morro fort on watch at the tip of the Old San Juan port entrance (August 2007)
El Morro fort on watch at the tip of the Old San Juan port entrance

This album includes subalbums:

Next Album: Vieques Island

External Links:
El Morro virtual tour

Old Town - satelite map, actual weather in the area

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This page has been last changed on February 2019
17901 views since September 2008

Old Town starý San Juan Antiguo, Viejo San Juan, historické pamiatky história, historic history, , San Juan sanjuan Karibik, sanjuan Caribbean, hlavné mesto Portorika Svätý Ján Karibik Karibic, Puerto Rico's capital city Saint St. John Caribbean, , Puerto Rico PR porto riko puetro ricooPortorikuPortorika Portorický, Pto Rico estado de PR P.R. Puetro Ricko Puorto Ricco Puertorican Puerto Rican portorikói ptorico puertorico del Encanto, kolónia Estado Libre Asociado Isla Grande La Isla del Encanto Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth Estado Libre Asociado Main Island Enchanted Isle ,, , Old San Juan - the history of the New World, Starý San Juan - história Nového Sveta

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