>> Photochronicle >> 2011 >> May/June


May - June 2011; Total 25 photos; Where is it?

May/June picture 26667

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

May/June picture 26669

May/June picture 26670

American Robin
American Robin

May/June picture 26672

May/June picture 26621

May/June picture 26764

Saturday,weather was nice, so we mowed
May/June picture 26684

May/June picture 26685

May/June picture 26686

May/June picture 26687

Plentybirds today. I was lucky enough to take picturessomethem.
Once again one of our jaybirds
Once again oneour jaybirds

Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal

There was even a woodpecker here today, ...
There was evenwoodpecker here today, ...

...but wasn't in mood to pose and it was also too dark already.
...but wasn'tmood to pose and it was also too dark already.

Another patch cleaned
Another patch cleaned

Mushrooms on 46th street sidewalk
Mushrooms on 46th street sidewalk

There is a new artificial brook in the park near my workplace (and maybe just a broken water pipe)
There isnew artificial brookthe park near my workplace (and maybe justbroken water pipe)

Unwelcome visitor during housewarming party
Unwelcome visitor during housewarming party

Chirping birdour backyard


The new iPad
The new iPad

May/June picture 26915

May/June picture 27367

Next Album: Bronx ZOO

External Links:
Selden - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia

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This page has been last changed on July 2011
5891 views since May 2011

Selden , Long Island , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, May/June, Máj/Jún

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