>> Photochronicle >> 2013 >> Slovakia >> Goulash

Day 16 - Goulash

July 2013; Total 20 photos; Where is it?

The chef's final touches
The chef's final touches

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33144

Sudden storm drove us under the roof

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33465


The goulash's gonna survive :-)
The goulash's gonna survive :-)

Matúš's testing waterproofness of my camera
Matúš's testing waterproofness of my camera

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33148

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33469

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33145

And the rain is over
Day 16 - Goulash picture 33456

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33152

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33151

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33471

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33472

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33143

A shorter one could yet fit in
A shorter one could yet fit in

How to pick cherries

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33474

Day 16 - Goulash picture 33150

Next Album: Day 17 - Farewell and the way to Poland

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This page has been last changed on July 2013
2496 views since July 2013

brother's house doma, home, náš dom Dolná Ves #66 #8 u Pásnikov u Holicov u_19, u_18,, our house Dolná Ves č.d.66 66 č.d.8, , Dolná Ves dedina Šváb Šváby Schwabendorf Schwabenhof, village, , Slovakia Slovenská Republika, Slowacja, Slovakija, Slovacia, na Slovensku, SVK, Slovaiko Slovesko Slowacia, Slovak Republic, Slowakei, Slovakai, Eslovaquia, Slovaquia SK Szlovakia, Szlovák Slovaquian, Szlovák Köztársaság, Republica Slovaca, (Slovensko), Day 16 - Goulash, Deň 16 - Guláš

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