>> Photochronicle >> 2013 >> Festival NJ

Slovak Festival in New Jersey

Slovenský festival, 36. ročník

September 2013; Total 15 photos; Where is it?

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34436

President of Slovakia Mr. Ivan Gašparovič
PresidentSlovakia Mr. Ivan Gašparovič

Škoda 100 with a Slovak license plate
Škoda 100 withSlovak license plate

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34466

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34444

Kubko gets even a better view than I
Kubko gets evenbetter view than I

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34438

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34439

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34440

Soccer tournament
Soccer tournament

Of course, I couldn't skip halushky
Of course, I couldn't skip halushky

Roasted pig smells deliciously, but after that halushky, I only smelled, did not taste it
Roasted pig smells deliciously, but after that halushky, I only smelled, did not taste it

Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34443

Afterwards, I went to visit friends who live nearby
Slovak Festival in New Jersey picture 34448

My pictures got into Slovenské dotyky magazine
My pictures got into Slovenské dotyky magazine

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This page has been last changed on December 2013
3716 views since September 2013

PNC Bank Arts Center , Holmdel , New Jersey štát, state, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, Slovak Festival in New Jersey, Slovenský festival New Jersey

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