>> Photochronicle >> 2006 >> Stando & Milena >> Florida >> Alligator Farm >> Albums of Friends >> Stan & Milena >> Florida 2005

Alligator Farm and Citrus fields

going north via Citrus Fields and Sebastian Inlet State Park (to Orlando)

December 2005; Total 11 photos; Where is it?

Milena's New Year Eve phone call home
Milena's New Year Eve phone call home

Stan and snake
Stan and snake

Milena and snake
Milena and snake

The snake really likes Milena...
The snake really likes Milena...

Parked aligators at the pond.
Parked aligators atpond.

Milena and aligators
Milena and aligators

Why did they tape your mouth, my little honey?
Why did they tape your mouth, my little honey?

Take a quick shot with the small alli and let's hurry to Orlando.
Takequick shot withsmall alli and let's hurry to Orlando.

Having rest in the car (with lemonade).
Having restthe car (with lemonade).

Fresh grapefruits on New Year's Eve
Fresh grapefruits on New Year's Eve

Fresh grapefruits, again.
Fresh grapefruits, again.

Next Album: Sebastian Inlet

External Links:
Alligator Farm - satelite map, actual weather in the area

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This page has been last changed on December 2007
3904 views since December 2007

Alligator Farm aligátoria krokodília farma, aligator, krokodíl, crocodile croc near Orlando, , Florida štát, state, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, aligator , Alligator Farm and Citrus fields, Aligátorská farma a Citrusové plantáže

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