>> Photochronicle >> 2006 >> Slovakia >> Country

Country of Slovakia

We have visited various places and taken plentypictures.

August 2006; Total 13 photos+7 subalbums; Where is it?

Hover your mouse over a picture to get more info about the picture. Click on it to enlarge and get detailed information.

Dolná Ves (August 2006)
Dolná Ves
In front of the Slovak National Theatre (August 2006)
In front of the Slovak National Theatre
Dolná Ves (August 2006)
Dolná Ves
Church Špania Dolina (August 2006)
Church Špania Dolina
Church Špania Dolina (August 2006)
Church Špania Dolina
Šášov Castle and Štiavnica Hills in a morning haze (August 2006)
Šášov Castle and Štiavnica Hills in a morning haze
Turiec (August 2006)
Michal's moody take of Northern Slovakia (August 2006)
Michal's moody take of Northern Slovakia
A view from restaurant Rybárska Bašta to the Veľká Fatra (August 2006)
A view from restaurant Rybárska Bašta to the Veľká Fatra
Kremnica as seen from the center of Europe (August 2006)
Kremnica as seen from the center of Europe
Jastrabská skala (August 2006)
Jastrabská skala
Kremnica's main square (August 2006)
Kremnica's main square
Bystrica church, bell tower, and barbican (August 2006)
Bystrica church, bell tower, and barbican

This album includes subalbums:
Geographical Center of Europe
Dolná Ves and the surounding countryside
Banská Bystrica
Špania Dolina

Next Album: Michal's pictures

External Links:
Slovakia - actual weather in the area

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This page has been last changed on November 2008
22494 views since September 2006

Slovakia Slovenská Republika, Slowacja, Slovakija, Slovacia,Slovensku, SVK, Slovaiko Slovesko Slowacia, Slovak Republic, Slowakei, Slovakai, Eslovaquia, Slovaquia SK Szlovakia, Szlovák Slovaquian, Szlovák Köztársaság, Republica Slovaca, (Slovensko), Country of Slovakia, Slovensko

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