>> Photochronicle >> 1999


Total 20 photos+16 subalbums;
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March 1999 Ján Cikker's Academic Choir (May 1999)
Ján Cikker's Academic Choir
School photos (1999)
School photos
Patince - Mensa (May 1999)
Patince - Mensa
Dr. Lancelot Lionel Ware (May 1999)
Dr. Lancelot Lionel Ware
Kollárovo (May 1999)
Aqueduct from the age of Roman Empire (July 1999)
Aqueduct from the age of Roman Empire
And here we are in front of the famous old police station (July 1999)
And here we are in front of the famous old police station
Route cut into the rocks of Pyrénées - on our way to AndorraSome 17 years later, I drove on similar road, only on a different continent. (July 1999)
Route cut into the rocks of Pyrénées - on our way to AndorraSome 17 years later, I drove on similar road, only on a different continent.
Let's try Andorran beer (July 1999)
Let's try Andorran beer
The Gargas Cave - official logo (July 1999)
The Gargas Cave - official logo
My first encounter with Atlantic Ocean (July 1999)
My first encounter with Atlantic Ocean
The Fort Boyard (July 1999)
The Fort Boyard
Low tide (July 1999)
Low tide
Chateau de Chambord (July 1999)
Chateau de Chambord
Chateau de Chambord (July 1999)
Chateau de Chambord
The second look at Eiffel tower (July 1999)
The second look at Eiffel tower
Solar eclipse (August 1999)
Solar eclipse
Oslava 570. výročia prvej písomnej zmienky o obci Dolná Ves (August 1999)
Oslava 570. výročia prvej písomnej zmienky o obci Dolná Ves
Vystúpenie tanečná (November 1999)
Vystúpenie tanečná

This album includes subalbums:
New Year
New Year (home)
Wooden blocks buildings
Ján Cikker's Academic Choir
Mothers' Day in Jojo's kindergarten
Patince - Mensa
ZUŠ concert
School photos
Jojo's 6th birthday
Ján Cikker Choir Concert
Vystúpenie tanečnej
Tour de France 1999
Solar eclipse
570 years of Dolná Ves

Next Album: 2000

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29812 views since November 2005

1999, 1999

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