>> Photochronicle >> 2007 >> Vieques

Vieques - Easter 2007

I am adding pictures and subalbums here as my time allows me. Please visit this album againfew days.

March - April 2007; Total 17 photos+13 subalbums; Where is it?

Vieques - Easter 2007 picture 11672
There must have beenstorm somewhere, because Atlantic was unusualy troubled for coupledays

Vieques - Easter 2007 picture 11669
An iguana came to takeclose look at us

Vieques - Easter 2007 picture 11788
Casa de Amistad

Plate fish - visible only when it leaves a rock
Plate fish - visible only when it leavesrock

Unfinished walls
Unfinished wallsfort Conde de Mirasol

The sea is calm today. But usualy this place looks much different. Or as seen from the other end.
The sea is calm today. But usualy this place looks much different. Or as seen from the other end.

A view to the better known cave at the other side of the beach
A view tobetter known cave atother sidethe beach

Sepioteuthis sepioidea
Squid -little octopus

We can't decide about what was this before it became a rock
We can't decide about what was this before it becamerock

Anthracothorax viridis - The Green Mango - hummingbird endemic to the Puerto Rico archipelago
HummingbirdfrontpizzeriaIsabel Segunda

Vieques - Easter 2007 picture 11903
Our retired neighbour Charlie took careour yard

Vieques - Easter 2007 picture 12870
La Chata beach - Culebra onhorizon

Tomáš is niether short nor sitting. The wave is realy more than six feet high.
Tomáš is niether short nor sitting. The wave is realy more than six feet high.

A flamingo tongue mollusc on the gorgonian coral
A flamingo tongue mollusc ongorgonian coral

Katarína spotted another rayfish...
Katarína spotted another rayfish...

...and this time I was nearby with camera.
...and this time I was nearby with camera.

My captain is smaller that Katarína's one, but the cook deserves a special award anyway. (Fried plantains were served as a side dish.)
Atend,best fish isone on my plate

This album includes subalbums:
Traveling there
Under water
Conde de Mirasol - the fort
Restaurants and "Restaurants"
Hummingbirds, iguanas, squids, etc...
Flowers, plants, palmtrees, etc...
Isabel Segunda and vicinity
Casa de Amistad - the guesthaus
Casa Santiago
Our house
Traveling back home

Next Album: Happy hour in Ulysses'

External Links:
Vieques Island - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia

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This page has been last changed on April 2007
21069 views since April 2007

Vieques Island Karibik, karibský ostrov viekes biekes vieque vieke vieque wieque viequos viekos viekes IslaNena vieqies viesques wiegues, Caribbean, Caribic, Karibic, Caribik Vieqes wieques wiekes wieqes vieqes viequez vieaques viecques vieckes wiecques wieckes bieques Biéke viecues viekues vieskes viegues, "tropický ostrov", "tropical island" "Isla Nena" (islanena islan3na viequesisland), (Isla de Vieques, Biéke), Puerto Rico PR porto riko puetro ricooPortorikuPortorika Portorický, Pto Rico estado de PR P.R. Puetro Ricko Puorto Ricco Puertorican Puerto Rican portorikói ptorico puertorico del Encanto, kolónia Estado Libre Asociado Isla Grande La Isla del Encanto Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth Estado Libre Asociado Main Island Enchanted Isle ,, Vieques - Easter 2007, Vieques - Veľká Noc 2007

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