>> Photochronicle >> 2020 >> SK summer >> By the way

Album: Traveling in corona times

AtLondon airport, they were taking temperaturefolks entering airplane...the airplane that went to Italy. Not ours. Weird. This airplane is full - just few free spaces.
June 2020,  by Jaro Nemčok  ©
AtLondon airport, they were taking temperaturefolks entering airplane...the airplane that went to Italy. Not ours. Weird.

This airplane is full - just few free spaces.
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Album:  Traveling in corona times

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Where is it:
Heathrow Airport Heethrow Heathrov Heatrov, LHR Heatrow Heathro, letisko lietadlo, airplane aircraft, , London mesto veľkomesto, city, , Great Britain Anglicko Anglia, England British UK, Spojené Kráľovstvo, United Kingdom,

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This page has been last changed on August 2020
14 views since August 2020

At the London airport, they were taking temperature of folks entering airplane...the airplane that went to Italy. Not ours. Weird. This airplane is full - just few free spaces.Heathrow Airport Heethrow Heathrov Heatrov, LHR
Heatrow Heathro, letisko lietadlo, airplane aircraft, , London mesto veľkomesto, city, , Great Britain Anglicko Anglia, England British UK, Spojené Kráľovstvo, United Kingdom,,

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