>> Photochronicle >> 2007 >> Zvonec and Arieli >> New York >> WTC

Album: World Trade Center and Lower Manhattan

World Trade Center and Lower Manhattan picture 15842
July 2007,  by Peter Monček  ©Peter Monček
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Album:  World Trade Center and Lower Manhattan

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Where is it:
cemetery cemetary, pohrebisko hrob hrobka náhrobok, graveyard grave tomb churchyard, , Trinity Church Svätá Trojica, Kostol Svätej Sv. Trojice gotický chrám kostolík, gothic shrine Holy Trinity Churche, World Trade Center WTC, dvojičky Ground Zero, twin towers twins Ground Zero, , Financial District , Downtown Dolný, downtown Lower, , Manhattan Manhattane manhatanský manhattanský manhathen Menhetten Manhetten, Manhathan Manhatan Manhattane Manhatane Manhaten Menhetn Menheten, mrakodrap, skyscraper city Gotham, , New York City NYC, Mesto New York,New Yorku, Yourk, N.Y. N. Y. NYC NewYork, Nový York, metropola veľkomesto, megapolis Big Apple Gotham, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,

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This page has been last changed on May 2010
27 views since February 2008

WTC (picture #15842)person's name withheld on the background, and others on the background, cemetery cemetary, pohrebisko hrob hrobka náhrobok, graveyard grave tomb churchyard, , Trinity Church Svätá Trojica,
Kostol Svätej Sv. Trojice
gotický chrám kostolík, gothic shrine
Holy Trinity Churche, World Trade Center WTC, dvojičky Ground Zero, twin towers twins Ground Zero, , Financial District , Downtown Dolný, downtown Lower, , Manhattan Manhattane manhatanský manhattanský manhathen Menhetten Manhetten, Manhathan Manhatan Manhattane Manhatane Manhaten Menhetn Menheten, mrakodrap, skyscraper city Gotham, , New York City NYC, Mesto New York,New Yorku,
Yourk, N.Y. N. Y. NYC NewYork, Nový York, metropola veľkomesto, megapolis Big Apple Gotham, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A
Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A.
United StatesAmerica,, cemetery graveyard, cintorín cmiter náhrobky náhrobné kamene,

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