>> Photochronicle >> 2009 >> Albany >> Museum >> Photoalbums >> Paintings
Album: New York State Museum
Kyra E. Hicks: He Played Me... And Sang In My Ear
Album: New York State Museum
119 views | Average rating:     5.00 (3 votes) |
Where is it:
New York State Museum Newyorkské Štátne Múzeum, , Cultural Education Center building, , Empire State Plaza (Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza, The South Mall), Albany , Upstate upstate New York, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A
Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A.
United StatesAmerica,
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This page has been last changed on February 2009
119 views since February 2009
Museum (picture #19031)New York State Museum Newyorkské Štátne Múzeum, , Cultural Education Center building, , Empire State Plaza (Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza, The South Mall), Albany , Upstate upstate New York, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A
Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A.
United StatesAmerica,, patchwork , patchworkový obraz mozaika ,
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