>> Photochronicle >> 2009 >> Voskárovci >> Day 20 >> El Morro

Album: El Morro

Objectsa known size next towall - this part is appropriately called El Macho
July 2009,  by Michal Nemčok  ©
Objectsa known size next towall - this part is appropriately called El Macho
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Album:  El Morro

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This page has been last changed on May 2010
30 views since July 2009

Objects of a known size next to the wall - this part is appropriately called El Machoperson's name withheld, Juraj, Juraj Voskár , Jurko Voskár , Ďurko Juro Ďuro Ďuri, Juraj Jurko Ďurko Juro Ďuro Voskár, Lower Patio dvor terasa átrium dvorec, terrace terace, , Fort El Morromoro, morrow, španielska pevnosť hrad opevnenie citadela, Spaniards rampart promontory
Castillo Castle citadel, (Fuerte San Felipe del Morro), Old Town starý San Juan Antiguo, Viejo San Juan, historické pamiatky história, historic history, , San Juan sanjuan Karibik, sanjuan Caribbean, hlavné mesto Portorika
Svätý Ján
Karibik Karibic, Puerto Rico's capital city
Saint St. John
Caribbean, , Puerto Rico PR
porto riko
puetro ricooPortorikuPortorika
Portorický, Pto Rico
estado de PR P.R.
Puetro Ricko
Puorto Ricco
Puerto Rican
del Encanto, kolónia
Estado Libre Asociado
Isla Grande
La Isla del Encanto
Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth
Estado Libre Asociado
Main Island
Enchanted Isle ,, fort castle fortification walls wall, pevnosť hrad hradné múry opevnenie,

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