>> Photochronicle >> 2008 >> MoMA
MoMA - Museum of Modern Art
February 2008;
Total 22 photos;
Where is it?
Andy Warhol: Campbell's Soup Cans
George-Pierre Seurat: Evening Honfleur
Vincent van Gogh: Portrait of Joseph Roulin
Paul Gauguin: La Semence de l'Areoi (The Seed of the Areoi)
Vincent van Gogh: The Starry Night
Otto Mueller: Landschaft mit gelben Akten (Bathers)
Marc Chagall: Moi et Le Village (I and the Village)
Umberto Boccioni: Dynamism of a Soccer Player
Umberto Boccioni: Forme uniche della continuità nello spazio (Unique Forms of Continuity in Space)
Salvador Dalí: The Little Theater
Pablo Picasso: Girl before a Mirror
Claude Monet: Reflections of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond
After the MoMA we went to movies
Times Square is lit the way you can't say day from night (this picture was taken around 11pm)
Next Album: Total eclipse of the Moon
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This page has been last changed on September 2008
19249 views since February 2008
MoMA Múzeum Moderného Umenia galéria obrazáreň, gallery, moderné umenie výstava obrazov obrazáreň obraz, painting, (Museum of Modern Art), Midtown centrálny stredný stred mesta, central middle, , Manhattan Manhattane manhatanský manhattanský manhathen Menhetten Manhetten, Manhathan Manhatan Manhattane Manhatane Manhaten Menhetn Menheten, mrakodrap, skyscraper city Gotham, , New York City NYC, Mesto New York,
v New Yorku,
Yourk, N.Y. N. Y. NYC NewYork, Nový York, metropola veľkomesto, megapolis Big Apple Gotham, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A
Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A.
United States of America,,
, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, MoMA - Múzeum Moderného Umenia
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