>> Photochronicle >> 2010 >> The Blizzard

The Blizzard

New York blizzard 2010

February 2010; Total 32 photos; Where is it?

February 6, 2010
A preview some days before
A preview some days before

The main part reached us on Feb 10 & 11
It's starting to snow again

The Blizzard picture 23667

Near Marine Park
Near Marine Park

The Blizzard picture 23669

Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn


Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn
Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn

The Blizzard picture 23676

The Blizzard picture 23671

The Blizzard picture 23664

The Blizzard picture 23665

The Blizzard picture 23672

How our landlord cleaned his stairs - he's pushed the snow to our side that used to be clean before
How our landlord cleaned his stairs - he's pushedsnow to our side that used to be clean before

The Blizzard picture 23675

February 11, 2010
Next day morning - our car looked alike, but there was no time to take pictures while shoveling
Next day morning - our car looked alike, but there was no time to take pictures while shoveling

This one is likely to wait for spring here...
This one is likely to wait for spring here...

The Blizzard picture 23900

Sheepshead Bay Station
Sheepshead Bay Station

There are the rails, under the snow...
There arerails, undersnow...

The Blizzard picture 23682

February 12, 2010
Continued: Tried to get out, and gave up...
Continued: Tried to get out, and gave up...

We have seen snow all the way down till Georgia
Today we left for Florida expecting to avoidbiggest blizzard20 years. However, we did not - we have seen snow allway down till Georgia (above).

February 26, 2010 - yet another snow wave, after our return fromFlorida trip
The Blizzard picture 23891

The Blizzard picture 23896

The Blizzard picture 23897

The Blizzard picture 23899

The Blizzard picture 23895

This is how you take care of wipers
This is how you take carewipers

The Blizzard picture 23893

The Blizzard picture 23894

February 28, 2010
The Blizzard picture 23817
I madesnowmanMarine Park

This year,weatherNew York is crazy -

Next Album: The trip around Florida

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This page has been last changed on May 2010
8709 views since February 2010

Brooklyn Brúklin Brukline Brúklyn, Brooklyne, Brooklynský, Brooklynite, , New York City NYC, Mesto New York,New Yorku, Yourk, N.Y. N. Y. NYC NewYork, Nový York, metropola veľkomesto, megapolis Big Apple Gotham, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, , The Blizzard, Sneh

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