>> Classmates&Colleagues >> Jaro's Friends >> KELI


Kingsborough Community College

October - December 2003; Total 5 photos+6 subalbums;
Hover your mouse over a picture to get more info about the picture. Click on it to enlarge and get detailed information.

Halloween party in my ESL class (October 2003)
Halloween party in my ESL class
Halloween - Tsutomu & Svetlana (October 2003)
Halloween - Tsutomu & Svetlana
Knotted Gun - The famous sculpture in front of the UN building in New York (December 2003)
Knotted Gun - The famous sculpture in front of the UN building in New York
UNO Security Council (December 2003)
UNO Security Council
Last day in school (December 2003)
Last day in school

This album includes subalbums:
Ocean view from outside the classroom
Our classroom
Helloween Party
Trip to UN
Victoria's Party
International Party

Next Album: MSS and eoffice-online

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This page has been last changed on November 2007
14571 views since November 2007

LiZhang, Tsutomu Matsui, Svetlana, Grażyna Sulewska, Victoria Cardone, and others, , KELI, KELI

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