>> Photochronicle >> 2011 >> Hurricane Irene

We survived Hurricane Irene

August 2011; Total 29 photos+1 subalbum; Where is it?

Friday, yet no signs of the coming hurricane...
Friday, yet no signsthe coming hurricane...

...besides the TV news
...besidesTV news

Saturday 2PM, leaving for Canada. Clouds, but driveway is still dry.
Saturday 2PM, leaving for Canada. Clouds, but driveway is still dry.

The Bronx
The Bronx

This is what we run from
This is what we run from

Amazing sunset while driving North
Amazing sunset while driving North

Around 9pm we checked in a hotel just before the Canadian border
Around 9pm we checkeda hotel just beforeCanadian border

We survived Hurricane Irene picture 27812

Morning news from Brooklyn are not very encouraging
Morning news from Brooklyn are not very encouraging

Secret password that opens the gate to Canada
Secret password that opensgate to Canada

At the Canadian border
AtCanadian border

Rainy Montreal ahead
Rainy Montreal ahead



We survived Hurricane Irene picture 27829
We left Jojo Album:

...and let's go back home!
The border
The border

Creeks and rivers are overwhelmed by the sustained heavy rainfall
Creeks and rivers are overwhelmed bysustained heavy rainfall

In our garage. This looks like a reminder of the tree fallen across I-87 that we almost hit.
In our garage. This looks likereminderthe tree fallen across I-87 that we almost hit.

Some water in our basement
Some waterour basement

A fallen weeping willow on our street
A fallen weeping willow on our street

But otherwise - a beautiful day, like two days ago... Who could tell what happened in between.
But otherwise -beautiful day, like two days ago... Who could tell what happened

We survived Hurricane Irene picture 27831
And now, we may start cleaning

Later we visited Vieques
to check our hose there

A month ago, hurricane Irene broke some tree branches and palm leaves, but no major damage
A month ago, hurricane Irene broke some tree branches and palm leaves, but no major damage

some videos fromneighborhood

Long Island Barrier Beach

Bellport Yacht Club

Long Island Barrier Beach

West Babylon

West Gilgo Beach

West Gilgo Beach


This album includes subalbums:

Next Album: Montreal

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Long Island - satelite map, actual weather in the area

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This page has been last changed on September 2013
4854 views since August 2011

Long Island , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, We survived Hurricane Irene, Prežili sme hurikán Irene

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