>> Photochronicle >> 2013 >> Slovakia >> Return

Day 18 - Return

July 2013; Total 8 photos; Where is it?

Day 18 - Return picture 33417

Polish Air Force airplanes at the Krakow Airport - C-295 and an old biplane An-2
Polish Air Force airplanes atKrakow Airport - C-295 andold biplane An-2

Beskids at the horizon and Slovakia behind them
Beskids athorizon and Slovakia behind them

And we ascended aboveclouds

Opava in Czech Republic (some 15 miles afar)
OpavaCzech Republic (some 15 miles afar)

Following are some telephotos from far distances, as we were already descending to Munich Airport.
One of the airplanes landing before us
Onethe airplanes landing before us

Church in Giggenhausen

Zolling Power Plant producing electricity from biomass (some 8 miles afar)
Zolling Power Plant producing electricity from biomass (some 8 miles afar)

Next Album: Igor

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This page has been last changed on August 2013
2302 views since July 2013

the air let vo vzduchu letecké snímky zábery zo vzduchu, air flight,vtáčej perspektívy pohľadlietadla, fly flight frombird perspective,, Day 18 - Return, Deň 18 - Návrat

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