>> Photochronicle >> 2020 >> SK summer >> By the way, #2

Traveling in corona times, part 2

August 2020; Total 5 photos;
Traveling in corona times, part 2 picture 51756

Green airport - or "How Hungarians grow pumpkins"
Green airport - or "How Hungarians grow pumpkins"

Budapest Airport - Chocolatier as well as most other stores open
Budapest Airport - Chocolatier as well as most other stores open

CDG Airport, Paris - all stores closed
CDG Airport, Paris - all stores closed

On the gate, they requested to fill out a paper form on COVID. By the way, Slovakia was listed as a dangerous country on the form, which is absurd if you compare COVID situation in New York and Slovakia in summer 2020. Also, on the form, there was this large field for body temperature (to be filled by officers). One officer was collecting the forms, where another was taking temperature some 10-15 ft later (multiple people in between). Hard to believe that this is how it was meant to be executed.
Ongate, they requested to fill outpaper form on COVID. Byway, Slovakia was listed asdangerous country onform, which is absurd if you compare COVID situationNew York and Slovakiasummer 2020. Also, onform, there was this large field for body temperature (to be filled by officers). One officer was collectingforms, where another was taking temperature some 10-15 ft later (multiple peoplebetween). Hard to believe that this is how it was meant to be executed.

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447 views since August 2020

Traveling in corona times, part 2, Cestovanie v čase corony 2

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