>> Photochronicle >> 2010 >> Vieques - summer >> Day 60-62
Album: Day 60 & 62 - hurricane Earl
Video fromISS at about this time
Fromaltitude218 miles,International Space Station. The station's Progress 37 cargo craft andSoyuz TMA-18 spacecraft arethe foreground.
Album: Day 60 & 62 - hurricane Earl
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Where is it:
Caribbean Caribic Caribik Carribic Caribbik Karibbic, Caribean Carribean, karibský región (leto slnko dovolenka), region Carib Caribb westindian (summer sun vacation), Our house doma domov "me casa" u_2,, home house "casa nosotra",
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This page has been last changed on September 2010
37 views since September 2010
Video from the ISS at about this timeCaribbean Caribic Caribik Carribic Caribbik Karibbic, Caribean Carribean, karibský región (leto slnko dovolenka), region Carib Caribb westindian (summer sun vacation), Katarína's house doma domov "me casa" u_2,, home house "casa nosotra",, hurricane Earl (satellite spacecraft), hurikán Earl (Medzinárodná vesmírna stanica, "kozmická loď" satelit),
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