>> Photochronicle >> 2008 >> The Dudíks

Ľubka and Rudko visiting New York and Vieques

June - July 2008; Total 6 photos+3 subalbums; Where is it?

Coconut gatherer
Coconut gatherer
Album: Navio - the first encounter with the sea

Casa de Amistad
Casa de Amistad

Ľubka and Rudko visiting New York and Vieques picture 20041

Wedding photography
Wedding on the Blue Beach on the island of Vieques
Album: Blue Beach - 20th anniversary of our wedding

Ľubka and Rudko visiting New York and Vieques picture 17229
The fort in Isabel Segunda
Album: Fort Conde de Mirasol

Photographer and model
A photographer and a model at El Morro fort in San Juan
Album: El Morro Castle

This album includes subalbums:
New York
Old San Juan

Next Album: Midwood HS 2008 - Tomáš's Graduation

External Links:
New York City - satelite map, actual weather in the area
Vieques Island - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia
San Juan - satelite map, actual weather in the area

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This page has been last changed on May 2009
13531 views since June 2008

Ľubka Dudíková, person's name withheld, New York City NYC, Mesto New York, v New Yorku, Yourk, N.Y. N. Y. NYC NewYork, Nový York, metropola veľkomesto, megapolis Big Apple Gotham, , NY New York NY, New York NYS, Štát New York, New York State, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United States of America, , Vieques Island Karibik, karibský ostrov viekes biekes vieque vieke vieque wieque viequos viekos viekes IslaNena vieqies viesques wiegues, Caribbean, Caribic, Karibic, Caribik Vieqes wieques wiekes wieqes vieqes viequez vieaques viecques vieckes wiecques wieckes bieques Biéke viecues viekues vieskes viegues, "tropický ostrov", "tropical island" "Isla Nena" (islanena islan3na viequesisland), (Isla de Vieques, Biéke) and San Juan sanjuan Karibik, sanjuan Caribbean, hlavné mesto Portorika Svätý Ján Karibik Karibic, Puerto Rico's capital city Saint St. John Caribbean, , Puerto Rico PR porto riko puetro ricoo na Portoriku z Portorika Portorický, Pto Rico estado de PR P.R. Puetro Ricko Puorto Ricco Puertorican Puerto Rican portorikói ptorico puertorico del Encanto, kolónia Estado Libre Asociado Isla Grande La Isla del Encanto Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth Estado Libre Asociado Main Island Enchanted Isle ,, Ľubka and Rudko visiting New York and Vieques, Ľubka a Rudko v New Yorku a na Viequese

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