>> Photochronicle >> 2012 >> Ohio

Unplanned trip to Ohio

...or "You gottawhat you gotta do."

June 2012; Total 5 photos+1 subalbum;
Where is it:
Ohio štát Ohájo, state, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,

Sunset in Pennsylvania

On the "Northern shore of U.S." (as the hotel owner called it) - a beach at Lake Erie
On"Northern shoreU.S." (ashotel owner called it) -beach at Lake Erie

Unplanned trip to Ohio picture 29942

Unplanned trip to Ohio picture 29943

We stayed at a beautiful 200-years old hotel that Jojo found pretty much by chance
We stayed atbeautiful 200-years old hotel that Jojo found pretty much by chance

When back, I ended up with $11 cash and $8bank left andmortgage payment due3 days... Ask me aboutdetails, I have stories to tell...

This album includes subalbums:
Tomáš's house

Next Album: Beach Day

There are 2 more pictures in this album visible to registered users

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External Links:
Ohio - satelite map, actual weather in the area, Wikipedia

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2381 views since June 2012

person's name withheld, Ohio štát Ohájo, state, , USA US U S A Spojené Štáty Americké Amerika, US U.S.A. United StatesAmerica,, Unplanned trip to Ohio, Neplánovaná cesta do Ohia

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