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Back to NYC via Zürich

August 2012; Total 16 photos; Where is it?

We have parked here since Friday
We have parked here since Friday

Back to NYC via Zürich picture 32774

Austrian mountains just East of Salzburg
Austrian mountains just East of Salzburg

Zürich Airport
Zürich Airport

Switching planes in Switzerland
Switching planes in Switzerland

Colored table at terminal E
Colored table at terminal E

Back to NYC via Zürich picture 30403

Leaving Zürich
Leaving Zürich

Cape Cod - on the other side of Atlantic
Cape Cod - on the other side of Atlantic

Entering the space above Long Island, where I live

JFK Airport - I just stepped out of this plane
JFK Airport - I just stepped out of this plane

Interesting "live" images
Interesting "live" images

Back to NYC via Zürich picture 32740

Back to NYC via Zürich picture 32741

Airplane sculpture at Terminal 4
Airplane sculpture at Terminal 4

...this is how the clouds look like from below
...this is how the clouds look like from below

Next Album: On bicycles

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This page has been last changed on May 2013
2368 views since August 2012

in the air let vo vzduchu letecké snímky zábery zo vzduchu, air flight, z vtáèej perspektívy poh¾ad z lietadla, fly flight from the bird perspective,, Back to NYC via Zürich, Cez Zürich do New Yorku

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