>> Photochronicle >> 2012 >> Vienna >> Saturday >> Hofburg


August 2012; Total 9 photos; Where is it?

Replica of the Holy Roman Imperial Crown
Replica of the Holy Roman Imperial Crown

Double clock - sun & mechanical
Double clock - sun & mechanical

Hofburg picture 30332

Hofburg picture 30333

Hofburg picture 30336

The entrance to the restrooms is imperial...
The entrance to the restrooms is imperial...

...and the fee as well
...and the fee as well

Statue of Francis II (Franz I)
Statue of Francis II (Franz I)

Hofburg picture 30343

Next Album: Volksgarten

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This page has been last changed on August 2012
1586 views since August 2012

Inner square námestie dvor, (Josefsplatz), square court, (Burgplatz), Hofburg palác, palace, zámok, castle, , Vienna Wiedeň, Viena Wiena, hlavné mesto Rakúska, capital City, (Wien), Austria Ostereich, v Rakúsku, Oestereich, (Östereich), Hofburg, Hofburg

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