>> Photochronicle >> 2006 >> Vieques
Easter at the Vieques Island
This year the spring break in NYC schools was almost 2 weeks long. So we went to our favorite island to get some sunshine and to check all the octopuses and other water creatures.
April 2006;
Total 37 photos+22 subalbums;
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Huge brain coral
We have seen many iguanas before here, but this is the first walking one.
Low tide on Navio Beach
A view to the Main Island with El Yunque - the rainforest. At left is the highest point on the island - Monte Pirata (987ft).
Crabs on a mangrove roots
Monte Pirata - the highest point on the island
Laguna Kiani
Parrot fish
There is the Blue Beach
Katarína was taking pictures of small fishes from the shore. The water is so crystal clear that it's imposible to find the surface on the picture.
This is how the perfect vacation should look like: Your feet in the Caribbean Sea and a cold beer in your hand.
Few pictures of a bigger barracuda.
Another sea-flower at the bottom
The little sea-flowers around the coral are actualy sea worms.
Red squirrel fish hidden under a coral reef
Black Hamlet
Shoal of blue tangs
Sun goes down fast
Atlantic twilight. At the horizon from left: Puerto Rico, Culebra, and St. Thomas far right at a distance.
Barbecue on a beach
Constellation Orion above the Caribbean
Constellation Orion above the Caribbean
Burning palmtree leaf
Katka discovered a shoal of squids
There were much more of them
I think it's kind of a sea-flower, but I am not sure
The squids and the other things
Traveler palm leaf structure
On the boat to Fajardo
Model of the Columbus' flagship Santa Maria in the San Juan fort museum
Fort El Morro
The sign at pool is very clear
Ghostly jump
Don't forget to visit the subalbums.
This album includes subalbums:
New York - San Juan - Vieques
La Chata Beach
Isabel II - the capital city of Vieques
Navio Beach
Casa Santiago
Ceiba Tree & Mosquito Pier
Watching the sealife at Mosquito Pier
Laguna Kiani
Casa de Amistad - The House of Friendship
The Moon
Blue Beach - Bahía de la Chiva
Parrot Fish for a dinner
About a Horse, a Heron, and a Woman...
Horses on Vieques 2006
Snorkeling under the old pier in Esperanza
Dinner at a beach
The squids and the other things
Casa Tres Amigos - our temporary home
House checking
San Juan
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Next Album: Driš¾ak in Slovak village in Upstate New York
This page has been last changed on November 2006
24621 views since November 2006
Vieques Island Karibik, karibský ostrov viekes biekes vieque vieke vieque wieque viequos viekos viekes IslaNena vieqies viesques wiegues, Caribbean, Caribic, Karibic, Caribik Vieqes wieques wiekes wieqes vieqes viequez vieaques viecques vieckes wiecques wieckes bieques
Biéke viecues viekues vieskes viegues, "tropický ostrov", "tropical island" "Isla Nena" (islanena islan3na viequesisland), (Isla de Vieques, Biéke), Puerto Rico PR
porto riko
puetro ricoo
na Portoriku
z Portorika
Portorický, Pto Rico
estado de PR P.R.
Puetro Ricko
Puorto Ricco
Puerto Rican
del Encanto, kolónia
Estado Libre Asociado
Isla Grande
La Isla del Encanto
Borinquen Boriken Borikén Boriquén Boruquén, Commonwelth
Estado Libre Asociado
Main Island
Enchanted Isle ,, Easter at the Vieques Island, Ve¾ká Noc na ostrove Vieques
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